Sometimes I'd like to ask God why He allows poverty, famine and injustice when He could do something about it. But I'm afraid He might ask the same of me.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

• Packing •

As a friend had once shown me how incredible to follow a journey through the Holy Land, I'm hoping to share our trip through Haiti with everyone through this blog. :o) It's Tuesday night and I'm making lists (and checking them twice!). Diane and I are wearing out the phone lines making sure we have everything and she's managed to have her 'pre-travel panic attack'. Yeah! We're good to go! Still packing, but good to go.

It was hard tucking my kids in, explaining to Tanner where mommy is going and how long I'll be gone. Even harder to have him cover his eyes to keep me from seeing tears welling up as we said his prayers at bedtime. Someone needs to keep Annette company and check on her while we're gone. I somehow think she'll have more trouble than Tanner.

In case I haven't told everyone lately, thank you. Thank you to our church family for allowing my daughter such an opportunity. Thank you to Diane for introducing us to what will be an experience of a lifetime. Thank you David and Tammy for giving me the chance to accompany my daughter on such a journey. Not only a wonderful mission, but also my daughter's first view of the ocean. Her first trip in an airplane. Bittersweet to see her grow, but such an inspiration as I see the wonder and excitement in her as we get ready. That wouldn't be possible without you both. And Eric.... thank you for worrying, for taking care of the boys while I'm gone, and for missing me before I ever leave. I love all of you. Last, but certainly not least....thank you Lord for bringing all these amazing people into my life. I'm so truly blessed beyond words.

It's only 7 days right? 7 days..... to Haiti and back again. I hope you enjoy the trip! I know I will. :o) Back to packing!

Just a glimpse.... Diane forwarded these links to me.

This is part of the trip from the airport to our house:

This is the mission she works with:


  1. I hope its a wonderful trip for you Renea. Looking forward to hearing about all the things you see and experience. A blog suggestion for you that I learned on my trip to Israel in January....everyone wants lots of pictures, especially the ones with their loved ones in them. So take time to snap pics of Diane, the kids, and even yourself, as well.
    Take care.....Dave

  2. Waiting for an update - are you there yet?

  3. Hello guys, I am praying that you have arrived safely and we hear from you soon.

    Luv ya lots, Annette (mom)
