Sometimes I'd like to ask God why He allows poverty, famine and injustice when He could do something about it. But I'm afraid He might ask the same of me.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

• Sunday •

Sunday morning started like any other we would have had at home. We all got up and ready for church, Roberto and Alex were even dressed sharp to escort us to services. It was a morning like our families I'm was full, everyone was gracious and welcoming to us, there was much singing and praying and preaching. Alex interpreted for us, we recognized some of the songs as they are universal to us all, such as "I'm in the Lord's Army". Same tune, different language. :o) We clapped along. It was a different atmosphere though as Dockery sings, we've even had new praise groups with our music, however......I regret to inform you all, we worship like preschoolers on a collegiate level!!!! People were singing, dancing, waving their hands in the air, clapping, smiling, the noise level was so loud while everyone was singing and the music was playing that you couldn't speak to the person sitting next to you and expect them to hear! It was definitely uplifting and everyone was worshiping the Lord.

We recognized people, such as "Tammy" when the pastor's wife presented announcements and activities to follow for the next week. Song leaders, and of course pastor. The sermon involved Jeremiah chapter 2 and John.

And, of course, Kelsey was playing with Macline the whole time Annette!!! Just like home, we sat next to Macline and her brother and Kelsey kept her entertained and kept her cool by fanning her. It was rather warm in church and everyone was close together and did I mention the body heat generated by dancing and singing?! ;o) lol It was a wonderful experience that will not be forgotten.

When services were over, it was amazing to me to see how many people sought us out to greet us and shake our hands and share hugs. Everyone was so hospitable and happy to see us. Thank goodness we all learned how to say hello, good morning, and God Bless You and God is Good in Haitian! ;o) We used it a lot Sunday!

After church we came back to relax a while and went to Mike and Marion's for a bit. They welcome other American missionaries to come and visit, have refreshments and share what each group is doing with their mission and how their time here has been.

It was a good, typical, Sunday. We missed you all at church!

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